I remember when I was younger and the loss of a peer reminded you of your own mortality. Nowadays, I need no reminders, I know I've lived longer than I'm going to live, and the person I identify with is Ted's mother (his father passed away less than a year ago). Losing a student is a little bit, just a little bit mind you, but a little bit like losing a child. I wish there was some way to comfort her.
But there's no way to be philosophical about losing a child, the world is turned upside down when the young die and the old live on. I can only imagine what that must feel like. All the usual clichés come to mind about the tragedy of a life cut short, much too young, a life hardly begun.
All I can say is that I'm glad that I knew you, Ted, and I thank you for all that I learned from you. Your life had an impact, your life had meaning, your life will be remembered. I hope that you have found peace.

1 comment:
I saw your message asking for more information about Ted's death. I know a few details as he and my best friend broke up recently. Thank you for your words. It's been hard accepting that someone who was supposed to attend my wedding in 2 weeks is dead. I don't know how he died specifically but I know it shouldn't have happened. My heart is with his family and other friends as he is buried today in New Jersey. Goodbye Ted.
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