Thursday, June 25, 2009

MEA--As the Wordle Turns

So, a week ago I was in St. Louis for the Media Ecology Association's Tenth Annual Convention, hosted by Saint Louis University (like Fordham, a Jesuit school, one where Marshall McLuhan taught for seven years during the 40s, and Walter Ong taught for decades after that), June 18-21. Kudos to convention coordinators Sara van den Berg (who is also head of the English Department and Director of the Walter Ong Center at SLU), and Paul Soukup, and to the whole SLU crew, especially doctoral student Abigail Lambke.

Speaking of Abigail, when I saw the cover art on this year's convention program, I said, oh wow, it's a wordle! Regular readers of Blog Time Passing will recall my previous posts about Wordle, not here word art and Media Conversations Wordle. Well anyway, I was told to ask Abigail about it, and she confirmed that it was a product of Wordle, although she had not saved it to the wordle gallery. But she was kind enough to email me the file so that I could share it with all of you masses of Blog Time Passing readers. And so, without further ado, here is the 2009 MEA Convention Wordle:

Ta daaaa! Very cool indeed, good going Abigail!

And while we're on the subject of Wordle, I redid my earlier images, using a screen capture utility to grab them and save them at a larger size for you. So here's a larger version of one I posted earlier based on text from Blog Time Passing:

And here is one derived from my poem, "not here" in a larger format:

And now to the question that I know is on all of your minds--will I be making any more of these images in the future? My answer is, maybe, if there is Wordle enough and time...

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