Monday, April 30, 2007

My Day!

I just came across this file and thought I'd add it here, for the record. In 2002 I was the Keynote Speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Communication Association, which was held at the University of Denver--my address was "Human Communication and Human Technology: Coming of Age in the Twenty-First Century," and it was very much influenced by the experience of 9/11 and its immediate aftermath, which was still fresh in everyone's minds that February (in fact, my trip to Denver was the first post-9/11 flight that I had taken). But hosts, Frank Dance, Dennis Gallagher, and Bonnie Orkow were very gracious and hospitable. And, after I made my speech, I was presented with the following Proclamation:

Well, the actual Proclamation is hanging in my office. This is just the image from a file from a scan I took of it.

Anyway, what can I say, Colorado has been good to me. And when in Denver, Vote Gallagher! Early and often!

1 comment:

janome 6500 said...

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